Pollinators are facing increasing threats to their existence.
As 80% of pollination worldwide comes from honeybees, the health of our food system and thereby our communities, relies on their survival. From climate change and habitat loss to the use of pesticides like neonicotinoids, it’s crucial we all recognise the impact, negative or positive, that we can have on the vitality of honeybees and their colonies.
Numerous crops like apples, cranberries, melons, broccoli and almonds would cease to exist without the hard-working bees’ contribution to our food system.
What is CCD?
Since 2006, beekeepers around the world have been reporting losses of 30-90% of their honeybee colonies. Researchers have named this mysterious phenomenon Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Though the exact cause of CCD is still under investigation, many researchers believe that the widespread use of insecticides, ecosystem destruction through both human and natural interactions, and climate change can all be considered attributable forces to the loss of honeybee colonies.
How Can I Help?
Banning pesticides and chemicals from your garden creates an environment in which pollinators can thrive.
Just like humans, bees love diversity in their diet! Try to plant a varied selection of plants to supply pollinators with an abundance of pollen and nectar.
Along with a native plant species, plant a herb garden with anything in the mint family, including perennial sages, and allow them to flower and attract native bee species.
Make sure to avoid hybrid plant varieties as they often do not produce as much nectar or pollen as native varieties.
Create habitats for wild bees if you have the space – leave branches, bare ground, and natural shelters for bees rather than landscaped and manicured lawns.
Choose Non-GMO and organic products whenever possible to support those who are also doing their part to help save the bees!
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